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CR Park,
New Delhi, Delhi, India




Discover the world of Energy and Chakrams within you.

Join us in this exciting and enlightening Workshop on Yoga Prana Vidya Healing Level One

Requirements: Open Mind & Patience

This workshop shall cover: 

-Understanding Energy Body, Chakrams,Aura and their impact on physical health.

-Learn to cleanse the Aura and balance the Chakrams.

-Learn to heal Oneself and others.

-Sense and feel the energies around you.

-Learn Rhythmic Yogic Breathing.

-Learn Beautiful Meditation Techniques to instantaneously Rejuvenate yourself.

-Law of Karma and how to use it effectively to improve your life.

-Distance Healing.

Benefits of doing this course:

Some of the benefits include:

Parents can help their children suffering from high fever in just few hours and treat it in a day or two in most cases. It can heal gas pain, muscle pain almost immediately in most cases. It Increases rate of healing by three times more than the normal rate. For example if it takes 4 weeks for a bone fracture to heal, by applying YPV technique it can be healed in 2 and half months.

Feel and be empowered by knowing simple and easy to use techniques. Keep Sadness and depression at bay.

Register for this workshop today! 

About the organizers/facilitators

  • Pooja is a disciple of Holy Master Choa Kok Sui and the founder of The Healing Power within. Inspired to heal people in her teenage years, she commenced her centre to promote and teach Yoga Prana Vidya Healing in India in 2011. 

    She has been committed to helping people connecting with their higher nature to live a balanced life since 2011. She has spent one year in Sri Ramana Trust Ashram, Tamil Nadu for Higher Spiritual Practice. The Teachings has uplifted and harmonized her life.

    She provides complimentary health information and energy treatment as well as the broad spectrum of spiritual practices that include the various form of yoga, meditation and esoteric teachings that lead one to rapid personal growth, self-awareness and spirituality.


  • CR Park,, New Delhi, Delhi, India


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